Applied Humanity

Applied Humanity

Applied Humanity, book description

As the human species advances through the dimensional shift we are presently in placing the constructs of slavery behind us, thus moving into an experience worth living in, we uphold, live and enjoy applied humanity.

The book, Applied Humanity is the record and blueprint for the World Polar Shift from dark to light and thus from slavery to success and from hate to humanity.

In Applied Humanity, we have a lot of fun which I believe is important. We also poke quite a few holes in the political landscape due to its track record of abysmal disaster. Applied Humanity takes the view of the sum of the world population in our rather well stated opposition to modern politics, and then looks upward on the Scale of Consciousness for working solutions which do not involve the viewpoint of the present world controllers.

Almost entirely through a well-orchestrated gaslighting process, an infinitesimally small number of hidden and self-appointed deities throughout history, have manipulated the planetary population into every disaster and failure known.

The entire sum of the world population is now for the most part aware of this situation. We are not just asking, how did we get into the terrible system of slavery we are presently in (and have ever been in), but how do we evolve the human species above and out of the failures brought about by the few. 94 Pages

It is through Applied Humanity.