Samples-Humanitarian Projects

The Humanitarian Projects:

Gearhead Nirvana for the Independent Thinker

Engineering Notes and Short stories.



Each of these humanitarian projects share the common ground of hands on involvement in addition to engineering detail understanding which encourages any length of inquiry.  There are few constructs presented here which I have not personally built entirely operational models of, or the main elements of, by way of related projects of experimentation and modeling.  In addition, these concepts have proven fully successful to the extent the project was engaged either by myself or others.

Although I did not include the learning curve smash-ups, these projects are included in all stages from research through completion of reporting on operational enterprises or proposed models.  The main point with all this; is integration into the larger view of the dimensional shift which is now upon us.

While there undoubtedly shall be similar and parallel projects, many of which are likely to share synergistic involvement, I uphold through experience, that it is imperative to maintain a strong degree of independent management answerable to the Natural Laws of the Creator.  It is this rugged independence and mindset, which forms the reciprocal to the terrible plague of bureaucracy and its magnetism to corruption and systemic failure.

Where synergy and compliment can be created, it should be, and those opportunities are intended and searched for.  In this modality, each should be thoroughly inspected in the first hand and at every level, to insure integrity.

Where the officialdom enshrined in the corridors of power and coercion have been historically allowed to run unchecked much as we have today, we have mutually come to discover that invariably such constructs have morphed over to exceptionally harmful outcomes with endless examples to choose among.  We now understand; the hierarchy of such duplicity has abundantly proven to have no humanitarian element in their existence or intent.

Therefore, with each of these exemplary projects, a topmost imperative is the Twenty First Century Model of independence and decentralization.


Humanitarian Projects, index:

  1.   The Humanitarian Code and Human Teleology
  2.   The Alt-Energy Rally
  3.   The Tesla Field Process
  4.   Terra Preta
  5.   Hydrogen
  6.   Structural Ceramics
  7.   Alamo Fuel and Freight
  8.   Industrial Hemp
  9.   Reasonable Statesmanship
  10.   Evolutionary Action
  11.   Conscious Communities
  12.   The Tree of Life Project
  13.   Tidalwoo Ormus
  14.   Thomsen’s Brew
  15.   The Hi-Q Project
  16.   Energy Harvesting
  17.   Gridless Transportation, Pt 1
  18.   Off the Grid, Pt 2
  19.   Closed Loop Hydrogen, Pt 3
  20.   Going Long Haul, Pt 4
  21.   Project 75
  22.   Energy Harvesting in the Fourth Dimension
  23.   The Green Slime Project
  24.   A Brief History of Corn

And The Complete Tax Book

Note:  This list is by no means exhaustive.

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and dedicated exclusively to the Creator and His Glory.