Human Sentience

Human Sentience, is when the human takes to heart the correct definition of human.

Human, is the entity which upholds, protects and defends Individual Human Rights as given by the Creator as the humanitarian treatment of humans.

Moreover, Human Sentience is the realization and existence as a portion of the same Creator God which supplied us the humanitarian treatment of humans as directly reflected in the Ten Commandments of the Holy Bible.

All other definitions serve exclusively to nullify, confuse, hide and oppose the truth of this exceptionally clear reality through the tools of propaganda and false narrative designed by those who seek only to enslave and destroy your humanity.

Not only are these definitions self-evident and logical, they now serve as the dividing line, for all time, between the forces of darkness and Light.

Within the greater field of Applied Humanity, the humanitarian treatment of humans, we have Human Teleology which is the recognition, realization, and the experience of the human as human by way of being a portion of the Creator of all that is. It is the God within-ism, your enthusiasm, your construct and content and Innate, as well as your family line and inheritance of the Devine.

The entire human species is now arriving at the realization contained in this question: What is oppression, slavery and the Agenda 30 of world depopulation, if it is not the most obvious and egregious violation of God’s Ten Commandments?

And it is right here, that we correctly identify, the human species long struggle between good and evil.

Within the planned world downfall into cultural Marxism, we notice one constant above all other factors, and it is the total and utter absence of Individual Human Rights. It is the model that you are no longer human. There is no concept of the humanitarian treatment of humans, and there shall be no remaining concept or memory of human to go along with it.

We have discovered that within satanism, aka Marxism, being the world of dystopia in technicolor, the singular function beyond slavery and military enforced adversity, is the removal of the relationship of the Sons and Daughters of God and their sacred inheritance and linage as human.

The struggle and contrast presented to us, is to fully eradicate any concept of God. Once this paradigm is complete, there can by default, be no concept of God within. The human becomes then both not human, and not Spirit or Higher Self. At that point, the human is reduced to animal existence with no more applicable human rights than a toilet plunger to be used in precisely that manner.

So indeed, we have the struggle between good and evil. Moreover, this is the struggle for the very concept of human and indeed, humanitarian. Accordingly, with upwards of 98% of human population marked for reduction including anyone reading this, the remaining hominids are to be fully reduced to beasts uneducated, and a horrifying existence within the harshest possible treatment and torment.

This is the model of any remaining hominids employed as nameless hard labor animals, sex slaves, and Ad-chrome supplies by way of the most severest of torture.

This is the center-stone of politicians worldwide presently; with their drug of choice morphing from the ever present cocaine, to slave sex of any age and gender, and the politician’s drug, Ad-chrome. And, the human species has come to finally realize; this is the world authoritarian’s view of the remainder of the human race even as overwhelming evidence of this multiplies by the hour.

The human future if we choose to have one, shall in this epic struggle, and Polar Shift from dark to Light, be forever divided into the absence or presence of Individual Human Rights as supplied by God, as well as any memory of the concept of human and indeed, God.

It is important to know where one is at in this map of existence as we correctly define Human Sentience as whether or not you are indeed human. Once we accept the truth that the human is an infinite and eternal being in the process of having a human experience and as such, is a direct offspring of the Creator, then the correct understanding takes place, which is Human Sentience.

As it is so.

Human Teleology

The Humanitarian Code, both the book and the Code has its roots in earnest research beginning in 1980. One can look into the endless symptoms of inhumanity or injustice and not see the actual cause as obscured by the vast multitude of layers and misdirections involved. Without correct and clear perception, no particular line can be drawn in the counter azimuth to reach the beneficial results domiciled at an expanded location upon The Scale of Consciousness.

In the course of events, it has come to me with abundant clarity, The Humanitarian Code and Human Teleology is my primary Calling as well as the dimensional shift in humanity. Each turn and each research continued to point in the direction of this highly inspired responsibility. Both success and challenge imparted critical insights which in retrospect, could have manifested in no other manner.

It is said, that for every thousand souls striking at the branches of injustice, only one is striking at the root. Because of this endless war for the soul of the planet and the inability to discern the underlying cause of injustice, one inhumanity becomes piled upon another just as the basal forces of woe playing the music would have it.

There are many with eyes that view and few with eyes that see. The cause of this terrible vexation is the conditioning we have experienced at every moment of our existence—which as many of us have come to learn, is egregiously false. Like the string which holds the conditioned elephant in place, we have come to absorb constraints which do not actually exist save for the instructions as passed from generations untold.

Because of great and orchestrated distraction, falsehood and a vast tyranny of perception, the human species exists within every inhumane condition possible; thus galvanizing the wrath and warning of the prophet Enoch.

Where then, resides the determined and inspired insight to peal back layer by layer the onion skins of obfuscation to view the ponerology of the controlling hierarchy and from there draw its counter, The Humanitarian Code of Human Teleology?

In this evolution of Earth, the dimensional change which is at once upon us demands clearly and now, this insight and answer.

It is The Humanitarian Code.

Slavery versus Humanity

Were you aware that in all human existence, there is only one issue; and the issue is slavery versus humanity?

Are you aware this has been true throughout all human history, all human politics, every religion, and all human experience; and the issue is slavery versus humanity?

An ancient wisdom instructs us that the more things change, the more they remain the same. And we find that your personal humanity versus slavery under the world controllers, is this very constant. And we also find this is the one thing throughout the length of the human species, above all else, which has been the most forcibly hidden from our outer awareness.

From the dawn of humankind, our Innate has provided us with this specific realization. For the world satanic hierarchy to achieve their planetary totalitarian model, your humanity, your humanness, must be removed from you. Today, this contrast has moved itself to the very front of human awareness. This precipitated realization is a
result of two factors, each in an opposite direction:

The first is the terror-stricken desperation panic and the crazy-insane, and outermost cruel machinations of the world controlling hierarchy to remove the last traces of liberty, freedom, and personal will from the entirety of human existence. Housed in the same step is the full removal of not only your personal humanity, your humanness, but any recall throughout the human genome of any concept of human or humanity and any memory of their ever having been any such thing as human. We are to retain the idiom of human, and at the same time be fully expunged of any concept or memory of human. And, this is becoming greatly more obvious by the hour.

The very few who survive this model, are duly rewarded with the same overall Human Rights as a toilet plunger to be treated, regarded, and employed as so.

The second and now larger factor, is the ascending consciousness calibration of the human species as we move ourselves into the dimensional shift which is presently upon us. This Creator Consciousness when more fully realized, drops the heavy yoke human slavery right out of existence. Our Innate tells us this is a good thing, as we advance ourselves into the experience worth living in.

WW3 is the battle royal over narrative just as we are seeing. The narrative of the hierarchy stands in the precise opposite of the best interest of the human race, and very specifically, your humanity. Patently more obvious, this is becoming with every passing moment as the narrative of evil squirms for its continued existence.

Paradoxically, the narrative of slavery is relentlessly its own worst enemy if for no other reason than its own ever multiplying other-world outlandishness, top-down bullying, and its own moment to moment reversals, attempting to historically expunge its own narrative of a single instant ago.

We see the narrative of slavery propped up by the most frail and transparent of pretend, and a mystical logic wholly unfit for human consumption. It is literally the world of ten thousand assumptions, each of greater insinuation than the one of a single word past, being the despised masters of dish it out yet infinitely unable to publicly defend, all while steeped in a level of arrogance defying the furthest twist of imagination.

Therefore, why not explain the obvious in the most fundamental and understandable terms; that the entire human paradigm consists of slavery versus humanity?

Should we consider ourselves prodigy of The Creator, should we as such be relegated to exclusively slavery, suffering, privation, and militarily enforced poverty?

Would we be better to recognize ourselves as a portion of our Creator, thus defining our Human Sentience and from there, our humanity?

So, tell me true for you personally, would you desire for yourself the condition of slavery, suffering and vicious inhumanity, or the enjoyment of Consciousness within the humanity and benefits of Liberty, self-ownership, and the determination of your own experience?

For this is the question which constitutes the World Polar Shift from slavery to Success and from dark to Light as well as the Creator’s calling of His children.

And so it is.

Understanding any Issue

Understanding any Issue is easy and accurate when it is placed into the correct context. That context is slavery versus humanity.

In all of the dishonesty found in modern politics, there is only one issue; slavery versus humanity. In all of human existence, there is only one issue: Slavery versus Humanity. Not so ironically, it has never been otherwise. Every choice point possible is either in one direction or the other. The choice is either in greater oppression or it is in greater humanness.

The choice favors either greater tyranny or greater humanity as this is the only two directions there are or have ever been. Every choice either centralizes or decentralizes. Therefore, every choice either empowers or dis-empowers the human.

Each decision either restores or removes human sovereignty. Every issue either makes the human less human or in extremely rare cases, more human. There is either more freedom or less freedom. It is your humanness, your humanity, which is either increased or decreased. The human is either acknowledged or disenfranchised. The human is either honored or diminished, restored and respected or in galling legal-ease, indentured and their life force purposefully embezzled through being commanded about to and fro like the dog the law has them viewed as.

In a thousand stacks of laws with ten thousand laws in every stack whether now or future, what percentage under one, would you guess to be in the direction of increasing your humanity as opposed to the direction of diminishing your humanness? You are spot on. Now you understand the real-world context and the correct results: There is either human benefit or there is illusion, and this is how to precisely discern the difference.

They say, that they say: Ignorance is no excuse for not following the law. Some court decision probably says so. This is unless one is either a politician or a television, ahem, personality, in which case the opposite is not only true but well rewarded within the decisively two tier system of existence anyone reading this is assuredly in. There are those above the law and there are those below the law. Reality unfortunately is, exactly that simple.

The master is the narrative, and the slave obeys the narrative. Any enforcement is of must, either your choice of cruel or terminal, with law being offenses against the state having dominion over you as an artificial straw-person with zero claimable Human Rights within a corporate system having no such concept.

The philosophy of any totalitarian mechanism is very, very straight forward: “To keep you is no benefit, and to kill you is no loss.” This is altogether what we are seeing playing out on the world stage. This is your Humanity on one side, and the vast machinery of the state on the other side. If you exist, it’s more than obvious where you reside. It is also just as obvious as to who is paying for the entire process of dehumanization.

You are aware that with ten gabsillion-gazillion-dillion-quatrafrillion waste time laws, you are not only born a lifetime felon kind of, sort of, at least a thousand times over, but something distantly less than human roughly the same amount under, defining both arbitrary and distinctly political connection stratified in the process, both of which are central pillars of Marxism.

The problem enters the picture the same moment the human species fails to recognize and label the condition for what it is, and what the driving force intention also is, which is the systematic and fully intentional reduction and theft of your humanity. And generally speaking, the noose is voluntarily fitted as well.

What we are looking at here really, is the fundamental difference between Admiralty law and Natural Law. Distantly more importantly, is the direction and exceptionally clear design between the two being either slavery or humanity.

As if further clarity were needed; this is also the difference between God’s Law and man’s law. Please notice the big and small L. Man’s law as it were, turns out to be the euphemism of all time to cover up the devil behind the recipe, which is of course human slavery, the direct opposite of your humanness.

This is the difference between the heavy yoke (of slavery) and the joy of Liberty which takes place when the human species recognizes the same Individual Human Rights for all, being the very foundation of any and all humanity.

The Scale of Consciousness, the Truth Test, Applied kinesiology, a sharp intuition, life experience, common sense, Radionics, our Creator Connection and a few other things all point out exactly the same thing: Every law in existence and every issue in existence, serves either to drag the human species down into the perfect hell of less human, or the thus far rarely experienced increase in the humane treatment of, and the preservation of, human.

The character John Galt got this one right:

When a 50 year politician tells the people, outside of the very heavy electronic intervention, who voted for them to in effect; Go straight to Hell, this explicit gradient of slavery or humanity is precisely what is indicated. I’ll guarantee ya, that you know where you stand. The difference is, now you actually know why:

Any issue is slavery versus humanity.

Sixth Generational Engagement

What is sixth generational engagement? Sixth generational engagement is the same as the well-known standard model of fifth generational engagement except it has the defining and inspired additional component of the preservation of humanity.

Fifth gen warfare is the prosaic and lifeless television programmed them versus us with its universally ad hominin attack-crap that comprises nearly the entire content of television and social media today. This is the color revolution defining the modern era. The Orwellian ideocracy involved is the divide and conquer paradigm with its ever authoritarian “solution” as the driving force standing directly behind both, or rather, all sides of any equation.

When the “other side” of any debate can be reduced to less than human, then it follows that no human rights should apply to any portion of a proposed solution. This is the heart, core and definition of the present planetary communist color revolution. This understanding is the difference between the fifth and sixth generational engagement.

This model includes any dichotomy, separation, contrast, clash or division out there, and just as the world population is evolving to conclusively state: Exactly 100% of it is a black flag operation as driven by the elite by way of the television. Here is where it is profoundly pointless to make a list of examples and completely fake labels as the sum of modern society is now defined by such examples and completely fake labels. Why list anything when in fact it is everything?

Knowing the sum of the color revolution is the removal of human rights, defining your humanity and your humanness, is the critical shift from fifth generational warfare as driven exclusively by the elite, and the sixth-generation engagement as driven by an exquisite clarity of purpose through your own Higher Self Inspiration and Soul’s resonance in the preservation of your own humanity.

With this critical insight, the humanitarian moves out of the perpetual sewer pit of the television driven strife-program and the brutally false dichotomy of them versus us. From the realization that the entire planetary population is being tricked from one astonishingly false narrative to another, we as a species, flip the internal switch of
realization, and cease once and for all of doing the dirty work of the cabal in constant conflict with each other.

In place of being led about by the nose by the god of television, the human species has rejected this manufactured hell of manipulation, complete loser-hood and strife in favor of our own humanity, dignity, worthiness and success.

This my friends, is sixth generational engagement.

Shovelin’ Mud

Because of integrity or the Oath of Office, one is sometimes caught in a choice of placing what is right over personal gain.  This is an example.

Some time ago, I was working at a small but famous mine having a history back to the eighteen hundreds with at least some equipment most of that old.  If you have ever shoveled muck, you’re probably nodding right now.  For everyone else, Muck refuses to go on the shovel, refuses to come off the shovel, and weighs a lot.  One had better et their Wheaties that day.

At a small mine everyone picks up a shovel, even the know-it-alls least they be tramped out by reputation.  I was a mine mechanic and process operator throughout the Milling operation, still the shovel is almost daily.  We work in 12 hour shifts, use a lot of salty talk, go home filthy, and virtually everything is built of scrapyard stock.  More nodding.  Picture painted.

Having worked there five times under five ownerships opening and closing, I was nearly as senior as the muck being shoveled.  As such I was also the Mine Rep among at least six other hats.  Fortunate I was, having previously read the MSHA regulations as no other instructions were given.  It was a create my own job situation.  Having lived the no instructions drill enough times to lose count, I was right at home.

Well, the last go-round before closing yet again was right smack at the apex of the Cxxxx (in retrospect) Hoax, and things were turning a manufactured ugly in relationship to this subject.  Under early Brandon, regardless of which obviously rubber mask, the situation was going straight to mandatory.  Having four decades as a research writer, I made it my work to be well versed on the subject.  I had also arrived at my personal conclusion in this matter which would not be compromised by any force, either for or against.

I also realized not everyone had a quality information stream.  At the same time management worldwide was coming under extraordinary pressure to lean hard into the mandatory side as emphasized by highly recommended moving toward condition of employment in several safety meetings on the subject.

As the mine is under Federal regulation with both OSHA and M-shaw, the latter of which will put extreme burden or closing on a small mine, the situation was moving into a spiteful powder keg scenario which had most folks rubbed the wrong way both for and against, in spite of no written subject regulation actually existing.

Well shit, as the mine rep, I was somewhat obligated to take a survey of the mining crew as to what the general consensus and depth of stand on the subject at hand was, which was progressing worse by the day.  Any advantage there was; is the miners will disclose to a trusted rep things which would not be whispered to management, MSHA or safety and with good reason.  This no-tattle trust has to be proven to function.  Let’s just say I was well practiced via the Marine Corps.

On several occasions this process was instrumental in cleaning up highly valid safety concerns where things throughout the mine fell into extreme disrepair to the point of obviously dangerous.  Management has a way to skirt these kind of problems by tagging out the equipment magically, for the same day or two duration of the MSHA visit, pissing off a lot of warriors in this contact sport.

The red and yellow tape flies up and flies down, you know the drill and we have buckets of it, reminding me of my 120 foot vertical highwall, Cat ’88 life.  If I wanted to film a dozen violations, I would park at a distance with my 110 power spotting scope.

This list is often egregious, therefore I shall spare you the sailor-talk details.  I derived worth anytime miner safety was observed beyond the standard fare of lip service and box-check.  When we managed something before the Feds caught it, we not only may have saved life and limb, but astronomical fines to the company as well.  Even though some of the repairs were substantial, they are much cheaper than the other two alternatives.  Sometimes feeling got bent a little and loudly, but oh well; bent feelings are still cheaper than bent bodies and equipment.

So my friends, I polled the miners on the subject none of us are allowed to say, and greatly to my surprise, at the very time-peak of nastiness on the subject, about 75% of entire mine personnel showed hands they would walk off the job before allowing violation of the my life, my choice position.  Many spoke to me adamantly in this regard and shall we say, crushed it on the clarity of their resolve.

Keep in mind I could have given a Ted Talk on the subject, yet pretty much didn’t say a word to anyone, so this direction and level of choice rattled the cage.

Well double shit:  Now I had an unexpected obligation I had not signed up for, yet none the less clearly my duty.  So, after taking it into prayer and real serious contemplation, I used this same trashed keyboard and typed up a report on my findings to take it to the ownership and management.

I vividly recall the moment:  This is positively my last two hours at work, so I might as well shovel some mud.  I had walked into the HQ shack where battle-rattle mine-mucks are distinctly not welcome, and presented the report on my findings to the Mine Manager.  The duty being fulfilled, my thoughts were on where I would work next and which method I would instruct the PTB they didn’t can a virgin.

Mining is mining, it’s feast and famine.  It’s mercurial when it isn’t volatile, and the gov-mint has made the situation drastically worse by way of a number of avenues, some directly related to the price of tea in China in more ways than one.

In literally a one in a million fluke, the Mine Manager stuck between the Federales and a mega-corporation nearly all of it in South America and Africa where “participation” is mandatory, took a hard stand in favor of the miners.  Why I wasn’t instantly fired, which even I would have agreed with, I don’t have a clue.

I just shovel mud.